Home appliance design and manufacturing, toy design and manufacturing industry
Stand-alone/compatible with major databases (Oracle database, SQLServer database, DB2 database, MySQL database)
BS mode (available for both Windows and Linux)
To perform effective BOM data structure management in the product design process and accurately describe the relationship between product design and design specifications including product details, catalogs, material costs, and catalogs of product categories etc.
Individual material management: managing standard and design parts
Product structure management: clear product structure, version management, status update, references to materials, etc.
Mold plan management: to quickly generate molds and mold plans, part codes and query references to commonly used molds and generate duplicate molds.
Engineering change management: To effectively manage changes and processes such as problem descriptions, change contents, and change notifications for changes at the engineering design end
Material Lifecycle Management: To enable detailed, intuitive and actionable product information about the product development process, and to control and automate processes such as production delivery, change control and configuration management
ERP integration: to provide reliable bi-directional connection to synchronize processes and information between EBX and ERP systems
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